You might know of the long drawn tussle between Entrepreneurship and the MBA- its akin to a love- hate relationship, mostly hate. Traditionalists believe that the MBA was never structured to address entrepreneurship (how can one ever learn entrepreneurship?), while every MBA aspirant one comes across seems to regard this as his/ her primary area of focus. Added to this, most recruiters look for their ideal candidate to possess an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset.

While this post is not intended to dispel any myths about how schools fare in this regard, I wish to bring to your notice key aspects of what one should look for while considering your list of schools- even if your focus is not primarily entrepreneurship. In addition to this, how you can leverage specific resources while in this kind of an ecosystem.  

Here is a little comparative on the course offerings of B-schools situated in massively entrepreneurial regions. Please note that these may not be an exhaustive list of entrepreneurship related courses. 
In addition to specific courses centered around startups, there is a distinct advantage by enrolling in a program located in a highly entrepreneurial region. Chose the community- the proximity to great entrepreneurs is super critical. This aspect cannot be stated enough given the network related mentorship one could receive. Scoring Internships (more on this later) and projects in startups will be available and are great ways to test the entrepreneurial waters - learn by doing.

While startup ecosystems are symbiotic relationships highly reliant on investors and smart talent, one can expect to run into a lot of these kind on any given day. Investor side understanding- you could expect heavy- lifters in this space to hold lectures/ community events on these aspects and more (which is all the rage these days). Some schools also have startup incubators, competitions and venture funds comprising a cross- disciplinary cohort to add an additional entrepreneurial flavor to an already spicy program. Market assessment projects on innovations coming out of school is another must for understanding how technology commercialization is undertaken.

You get it! There is a ton to do while in school in an entrepreneurial community. Most importantly, its the exuberance of ideas and energy that one must seek while making the plunge- adds a great dimension to the program. So, Happy Hunting!